Ed and Leigh On Set – Chair scene

This should be a scene from the top of the Hotel Empire, I guess? Because I read Chuck threw a party and everybody went there. But what’s this doesn’t matter, the important thing is that it’s a Chair scene, finally again! 😀

more under the cut.

About purplebass

hey, you! Thank you for stopping by. I'm Tweety, and I am a girl who loves writing, reading, and watching stuff on TV and write reviews about it. I currently study languages (English and Spanish) @ University here where I live in Italy. I dream to become a teacher or something more impossible, like a writer. For the moment I only write stories on my laptop and review a lot of books. Speaking of which, I'm really into YA despite I am not a teenager anymore, and if you have suggestions, I am always open to hear your book advice! :D

40 thoughts on “Ed and Leigh On Set – Chair scene

  1. shirleychen says:

    her dress is crease. LOL
    It seems not a happy scene. Just like they are having a quarrel situation.

  2. ami says:

    It’s rehearsal.. looks like she’s sayin: “I wanna kill U & your J.Whore now!” ed! open Ur eyes already!!!!!

  3. Summer says:


  4. Fouzia says:

    So happy to see the pics!! Thank you^^
    I am dying to know what happened!!

  5. Chair18 says:

    I love it !!!!
    It’s so good to see them together even if they are fighting i think….

  6. RACHEL from brazil! says:

    you can feel the SEX TENSION…lol =)

    • WaldassAddict says:

      I so much agree with you!!! it doesn’t matter if this is a fighting scene or smt, you can always feel the sexual tension between these two unlike Chuck and Eva because on the gift scene video there were no sexual tension between them other than friendly conversation.

  7. Smilka says:

    Lei is looking like : @HOW COULD U DO THAT TO ME??? does anybody feel electricity in the air??? =)))

  8. E says:

    love the pictures and I beyond glad to see proof of them actually having scenes together, because I was starting to worry… but I’m confused why anyone would be letting pictures of their scenes get out? is there another mole on set like there was last year???

  9. Amanda says:

    probably the producers release the pics for publicity… God knows all the Eva/Chuck pics are doing nothing for them lol

  10. Je t'adore says:

    omg bb, you’re the best! You have no idea how happy you made me posting these pics. Even if they look like they’re fighting, I’m happy they have scenes together. Where did you find the pics?

  11. Je t'adore says:

    omg bb, I realized smth: B’s dress is creased and C’s collar is up. Do you think they maybe were in the process of… you know? lol

  12. Summer says:

    I dont know if i’m crazy…and i probably am…buut…i have this weird feeling that chuck and blair will get married this season! i really hooope so! they’ve chased each other for a long time…its time for new challenges….just imagine how funny and cute could be chuck and blair married…would be a totally different perspective….i want this so baad!

    • WaldassAddict says:

      This is what I also want so bad.Think about it, with flash forward next season Chuck and Blair are married and having babies.A season with them in a marriage.I would like to see them in a marriage for a season before the series end.İt is thrilling me alraedy.

      • Smilka says:

        You read my mind!!! I think, that it’s better not to watch CB weddind day in season 4, soooo we can see it in season 5 instead ))

  13. Finally! That’s pretty much all I have to say. ITA with Amanda and the Eva press. I’m glad they realize that we need Chair pics ASAP.

  14. Sharon says:

    reminds me of that dress she wore on 2×13 when she hugged Chuck in her bedroom.

  15. Summer says:

    I can’t stop looking at these photos…sooo perfect! i want moreee guys lol

  16. Ashley says:

    I love how in one scene they have this insane chemistry. I haven’t seen as much as that in any of this scenes with Clemence. I’m just glad they’re in a scene together, what ep is this? Five?

  17. Cara says:

    Ashley- This is episode 4. I can’t wait!!

  18. RACHEL from brazil! says:

    Another crazy thing, ed/ chuck looks really relax ( hands on the pocket) it is not a love scene, but i think it´s the kind a scene that ends up in LIMO SEX lol eeheheheheheh loving this blog =)))

  19. Amanda says:

    Cara is absolutely right, this must be episode 4, since the guy seated in the couch is Andrew McCarthy, the director scheduled for this epi, he’s the guy who directed 3×14- The Lady Vanishes so let’s pray for a post-sex scene (with shirtless Ed maybe?) hey, a girl can dream right? LOL

  20. Jackie says:

    Oh they so leaked these pics because all the Eva/Chuck ones were just putting people off the show.

    Oh and I completely agree about these photos have so much more chemistry then the Eva video. In that there was nothing and it felt fake.

  21. Fouzia says:

    in this CW clip: gOSSIP GIRL season4^^

  22. Summer says:

    I was just thinking….she looks a little shocked in some photos

  23. Summer says:

    Hey guys i have a new teory…blair looks kinda shocked right? sooo i think that maybe she is fighting with chuck about something and then he tells her he got shot and eva saved him. what do you think? i dont know if blair already knows what happened to him!

  24. Luisa C. says:

    OMG, OMG, OMG! Finally another sena CB together, could not bear to see Chuck and Eve. Seem to me that our Blair is a bit nervous and confused at some pictures and Chuck seems inexplicably calm with his hand in his pocket. But the fact is that sexual tension of the two really is in the air, they were meant to be together, it is inevitable!

  25. RACHEL from brazil! says:

    i have a new teory, maybe in this scene chuck says he break up with eva, and want her back…e she freaks out a litlle lol like ” you want me back?” or something like that, because chuck is too much calm in this scene to be a bad scene lol

  26. Andrea_McFly says:

    They are fighting, I’m sure, but, they are talking xDDD I hope they come back together ><

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