Maybe Chuck is Clueless After All…

Could it be true is Chuck more clueless then Nate? Especially when it comes to relationships? It would seem like it. This was pointed out by one of our reader’s (Mouths: ‘Thank you Nichole’ and ‘Anonyms source’). I’ll just put up her comment since paraphrasing is turning out to be quite a challenge for me this time (it’s a little late and I’m quite tired, sorry)

I was reading a comment on a Gossip Girl blog about Chuck and Eva. And the poster made a really good point. I would like to credit them, but I don’t remember the blog, the poster’s name or even how the comments got around to Eva and Chuck. Anyway, the poster said that Chuck meeting Eva is a good thing because Chuck has never really had a girlfriend before Blair. And this got me to thinking. This is absolutely true. Chuck, as much as I love him, doesn’t know how to be in a relationship. Yes, he loves Blair and wouldn’t knowingly (which is debatable) do anything to hurt her, but the fact of the matter is he has. And that is unacceptable. Blair knows what she wants in love because she had her relationship with Nate to learn and grow from. Chuck has only had numerous, meaningless flings with women to learn from. He has not been in a committed relationship before Blair to learn what it is to be a couple. So, this Eva thing may be a good thing for him and Blair in the long run. Hopefully, he will learn through Eva what its means to be a relationship and how to treat the other so when he and Blair do reunite he will appreciate and love Blair even more and the way she deserves to be loved.

What are your thoughts?

Hmm… How do I approach this in rational manner? In a weird way, Eva being here is almost a good thing. *ducks* Now just hear me out. I completely agree with everything that was said because it brings up a valid point. I mean we can all hate Eva and her storyline but her point is to bring Chuck and Blair together (in the long run). We know she won’t be staying, its GG come on. Eva is a stepping stone for Chair.

I love to believe that Chuck and Blair will be together, when the time is right. Right now? Probably not. But maybe this will teach Chuck how to be a better boyfriend because really he’s had had what one relationship that he destroyed (twice). And maybe Blair will learn to stand on her own without a guy to lean on.

Well that’s my two cents on the whole ‘Eva’ subject.

About Uninspired Fanfiction Writer

I work. I write on the blog. I write fanfiction. Hanging out with mis friends/Family. I'm so weird.

23 thoughts on “Maybe Chuck is Clueless After All…

  1. zeinitza says:

    i really agree with that opinion

  2. Jackie says:

    I agree with this completely and this is why in many ways I do think it is good for Chair in the long run. Don’t get me wrong I hate this Eva storyline with a passion but this is mainly due to the timing of it. If this didn’t come straight after 3.17 and the finale I would hate it less (I would still hate it though because, well, its Chuck and Blair and I don’t do well with 3rd party involvement when it comes to them).

  3. Sharon says:

    It was pretty obvious from the start that Eva is just a preparation for a better Chair relationship, the question is how it will work. I love the storyline, I think it’s good for Chuck and not necessarily for Blair. And yes, Chuck never had a real relationship with someone else, so with Eva, he will probably have another perspective and new insights.

  4. Fouzia says:

    Eva is maybe the key for a good relation between Chuck and Blair!!
    But i am sad because Blair is going to suffer watching him be the perfect boyfriend with eva when he was a A** with her^^
    I really want to see in season4 The return of BLAIR WALDORF queen who doesn’t need a man by her side to be strong!!
    And when she go back with chuck i hope he realise that she’s not granted.
    They need to work appart before reunite!!
    I really like to see Blair in a real relation with a good guy who can apprecite and love her. That would be a good story. Because with the guys blair date (nate,marcus,chuck) they all have issues.

  5. A says:

    Well personally I dont think it is about that, b/c Chuck was already a good boyfriend for 16 episodes before he went off the deep end. I hate the Eva storyline for the timing of it since I dont like that Blair will have to react to her after all she went through last season. That being said I think Eva is not about him learning to be a good boyfriend or seeing that someone else can love him simply because he isnt going to be himself in the relationship. Eva is simply a way to show how deeply Chuck was affected by getting shot, he is indebted to this person who saved his life and I would almost say Eva isnt even about being romantic as much as she is just comfort to him in a time where he felt he had no one. All she will teach him is that no matter how much he tries to stay in her world where he was someone else with all his past gone he wont be able to b/c he is now back in his, and Blair will be the emotional thorn in his side to move that along. No matter how you look at it Eva cant teach or show Chuck anything b/c he is not Chuck right now nor has he balanced who this new person is, that is something he will have to do on his own. So Eva is really a prop in Chuck’s storyline not CB’s, I dont think she will do anything for CB other than realize they still love each other and head back to Paris possibly opening their eyes to this fact before she goes. I think it will be a good thing to have Eva be genuinely nice to him and care about him, that will help a bit, but how much can she really care about someone she does not know? Like I said all my opinion. 😀

    • Christie says:

      I completely agree with this, especially the point about the timing of it all being off, and that its a comfort after being shot. She is a representation of how he wants to change completely and not how to love better. Because I believe ultimately he is gonna be Chuck Bass again, and we’re going to see how he was already a good man but just with some issues, not this extreme change of wanting to be a completely different person. Again though, after last season and all that happened the timing is off and I think they could have done this identity crisis thing without a girlfriend. JMO.

  6. Summer says:

    I tottally agree with A. She said everything i wanted to say. Chuck was a perfect boyfriend…he did everything for Blair. I think its time for them to take this relationship to the next level and make it work. it will be a challenge.

  7. Jaime says:

    I agree with A. She’s a prop for Chuck’s story (which in the long run will benefit Chuck and Blair).

  8. Leela says:

    Sorry,but I can’t agree with this. I know you’re trying to see the bright side of this,but this SL is just another stupid idea of the writers.
    If they want to show us that Chuck didn’t know how to be in a relationship,why didn’t they show us him struggling to learn how to treat Blair properly? Why didn’t they show us Chuck being insecure about being her boyfriend,since she spent her whole life idealizing her perfect life with her “perfect” Nathaniel?
    Instead,they just showed us Chuck being nothing but the perfect boyfriend all season,while Blair was the clingy,petulant,spoiled,immature gilfriend,until they day he decided to sell her out to his uncle in exchange of his hotel.
    And now,after everything Blair did for Chuck,Eva is the one who will teach him how to be in a relationship and be a good boyfriend?Really? Cause he couldn’t learn how to treat Blair right,the girl he loved,but will learn it through some random french girl,right? Sorry,but this is just another crap thing that the writers came up with,just to make Chuck looks good again,and put him and Blair in the same level,so they can be together again.
    The only way,IMO,Chuck could mature and see how bad he treated Blair,would be if he was left completely alone,dealing with things in life by himself. That way he would see how those who were next to him are more important than anything.

    • A says:

      Ica with you, a much more organic storyline would have been to have Chuck struggling to be the perfect boyfriend, alas we watch a show that is interested in OMGs rather than focusing on character development and organic storytelling. The shift in the realism of the storylines from S1 to S3 is glaring, in S1 every character had issues. now it is just a revolving door of love interests and OMGs coupled with Chuck issues and Blair reacting to said issues. I mean we have CB hooking up in S1 as an OMG that totally made sense for her charcter to now having to believe Chuck would send her up to sleep with his rapist uncle to keep a piece of property, its pretty ridiculous. I just cant believe they dont see that the formula they switched to continues to lose viewers not gain or keep them, it baffles me that they just dont get it.

  9. Andie1392 says:


  10. Greek lover says:

    i heard that blake wants to kill off her character because she bored with the show but if they kill off her,who will be blairs bestfriend,eva?haha

  11. Je t'adore says:

    I agree with the people that don’t agree (lol) with this. Chuck was a good bf to Blair but the writers’ need for creating drama, which I love, had turned him into a douche. I don’t think you learn how to be a good bf or gf by practicing with other people and then be with your true love. When you meet the right person you do what it needs to be done in order to be with him/her. If you make a mistake, even a big mistake like Chuck did, you try to show that person you want to change but you DON’T find another gf/bf, that’s the worst you could do. Put yourselves in B’s shoes. If your bf wanted to trade you for a hotel and then sleep with a person you can’t stand and then find himself another gf while you try to get your life together after what he did to you, how would you feel? I’d feel like shit, I’d be so mad and humiliated that I’d just want the earth to swallow me whole. I’m getting a little mad just writing this comment.
    But I love Chuck so f-ing much and I can’t see B with anyone else but him. But this doesn’t mean I want to see him happy after what he did to her. I think they need some time apart, alone, not romantically or sexually involved with other people. They need to grow as people and then come together again. And I think Chuck has to persue her, after what he did, he’s the one that has to work @ the relationship more.

  12. That is what I always thought would have been Eva’s role in the situation.
    Really, did you really want Chuck and Blair to get back together at the end of S3 and maybe experience another broken heart? If he don’t “pratice” he won’t learn how to bea boyfriend and Chuck will always hurt Blair for some silly reason because of that, unexperience. So don’t panic. This girl is only going to be there for 4 episodes, I don’t think we’re gonna die for that little period.

  13. RACHEL from brazil! says:

    In a lot of gg blogs, people are going crazy because the scene of chuck and eva and the cartier bag and then it cross my mind, in every season blair have dream ok? in season 3, she dream with vanessa remember? because of a college thing. and in that moment i saw a lot of photos of vanessa all dress up( long dress) and think ” uh party” and it´s a blair dream lol.

    Maybe this scene, could be a DREAM of blair? a dream( a bad dream lol) of chuck and his new ” love”? hehehe it will be funny, we all are suffering, and it not even real. hehehe now i´m hoping for be a dream chair all the way =)) hehehehe


    • Je t'adore says:

      Hey Rachel, how’s the weather in Brazil? I love your country.
      That’s a good theory, I hope it’s only one of B’s dreams. We’ll see what happens, we can only speculate now.

      • RACHEL from brazil! says:

        It´s reallly cold.. it´s winter here… not snow of course lol but really cold =))) heheeh

  14. My thing is that Chuck hasn’t always been a perfect boyfriend, I mean that’s boring a perfect!Chuck. No it is simply isn’t possible. While I know that Chuck has always been there for Blair and vice versa along the way we’ve less perfect moments. Especially during the DeBarted and the ones that followed. It’s like he’s being pegged as the most awesomest boyfriend when their were episodes when Chuck nor Blair were showcased or when they were fighting. The thing that Eva brings or is suppose to bring is normalcy that (now) Chuck wants. With Chuck and Blair it was a rollercoaster of unforeseeable “what if’s” especially since this was Chuck first relationship.

    Now don’t get me wrong I don’t want Chuck to be with anyone else be ANYONE else who isn’t Blair. And I certainly don’t want her character to suffer, but Chuck needs to gets some things out of his system before he can man up and be with Blair again. Becasue after selling her out to Jack and everything that followed afterwards Chuck is not as a perfect boyfriends as everyone deems him to be.

    Again that’s just how i saw things….

  15. Summer says:

    I’m just sad because after all Blair have been through, now she still has to see Chuck with another woman because he needs to grow up? Come on! Everytime Chuck and Blair break up he is always with other women, i never saw him really suffering. So now, Chuck is with Eva, and when Eva leaves, just then, he will go after Blair? Just when he has no more options? Every day becomes more and more hard to me to believe that Chuck trully loves Blair. If i stop believing in this, the show wont make sense for me anymore, and that my friends, would be really really sad 😦

  16. Anna says:

    i don’t agree thats like saying blair was a bad girlfriend to nate because he was her first boyfriend but she wasnt a bad girlfriend nate cheated on her. im with summer everyday it becomes harder for me to believe chuck loves or loved blair.

  17. Leela says:

    I agree with everything Je t’adore said. I couldn’t say better myself!

    I find it funny people saying that Eva is gonna be someone for him to “practice” how to be in a relationship LOL
    People are different. You can have a lot of boyfriends/girlfriends in life and still doesn’t know how to be in a relationship with someone new. This whole thing of Chuck never being in a relationship,so that’s why he is excused for be a jerk to Blair in the past,and now,clearly,has to learn everything with sweet,angelical Eva,is so unrealistic and dumb.
    If there are things about you- who you are,and/or what you do-,that you know you need to change in order to make the person you are with,happy,you do this for this person,because you love her/him,and that’s what motive people to be someone better for the ones they love.
    But no,Chuck didn’t even bother to make an effort to Blair,but now will be all like: “Hey!Look at me! I can be a good boyfriend,right,Eva??”
    They really want to make him practice? So there it goes:
    Lesson nº 1: Don’t sell your girlfriend to your rapist uncle in exchange of a hotel. 😉

  18. Carina says:

    i’m not happy about the “new” chuck.
    because in season 1,2 and 3 , i liked the game of chuck and blair. i like him. but i think he will be an idiot in season 4, his character will be destroyed. it’s really sad and i don’t think that blair will loves the new chuck as more as the old. i hope that she will treat him to his old character.
    and we all do know, that he just try to be an other person, because he lost blair. what a shit

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