Ed in Australian Cleo September 2010

Bits of the interview:

Everyone’s obsessed with CB. Would you say they’re dysfunctional?

It’s a total tragedy, isn’t it? I think they’re completely dysfunctional. But I also think they’re very young […] people just need time to mature and then come back together down the line. We’re going into another year (of filming) so we’ll see if things have finally changed.

What do your friends tease you about?

Everything that’s going on right now. So just little things to do with GG. They’ll call me Ed Bass or Chuck Westwick.

Read the whole interview, it’s funny and witty. I love when he talks about his haircut, so glad he realized he looked awful with season 2 hair. If you have trouble reading it, I’ll write it for you.

About Je t'adore

I'm Cath but you can call me C. I graduated from University a few years ago and I have a degree in English and French lit. I write but I don't consider myself a writer, I've yet to let go of all my inhibitions and explore human nature. Maybe one day, when I'm grown up enough. CBthePP is a safe haven for me and one of the things I'm most proud of because it has given me so much and because I get to share it with so many wonderful people, including our readers.

5 thoughts on “Ed in Australian Cleo September 2010

  1. WaldassAddict says:

    Ed says that they will mature up this year individually and then they will come back together for a healty and functional relationship.
    This was what I was thinking from the beginning of the break up.But if they come back together once they’ve matured then it will be a strong healthy relationship have future together.

  2. ronan03 says:

    some of my favorite new photos of him. thanks for posting.

  3. Jaime says:

    I like the whole “mature individually before they come back together” thing, its pretty much how I expect it to play out.

    Also, I’m from Australia but where did people get this. This issue that this article is in doesn’t come out for another two days. I got excited then realised I couldn’t get it. (not actually complaining – all tongue in cheek).

  4. lolla says:

    Yaay! He watches FRIENDS! Sorry, I’m a huuuuuge fan. 😛
    Also love that he uses proper English.. 😀

  5. Ah Ed, you’re back to being in good graces with me 😀

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