Long hot summer, no Gossip Girl Part 1 – Je t’adore Edition

I was talking toUninspired Fanfiction Writer and BASSismyreligion the other week and I was telling them I want to make a post. A post about what? you ask. Well, it’s simple. We have 3 moths ahead of us, 3 moths with no GG to fill our weeks and I thought I’d make a post about things we could do in this time. Except, of course, hanging out with our friends and family, with out bfs, and going on exotic vacations. I realized I can’t do the post with the girls’ help because we have different taste so I’ll just make mine and they can make theirs if they feel like it and if they have time. I don’t know if BlairanoidFreak will also make a post cause she’s busy with school (good luck with the exams bb, we miss you) but I hope she will.

But I’m rambling, sorry. By making this post, I don’t want to show off, or “show” you how smart I might be. I just want to recommend some ways that can help with copeing with the lack of GG. I’d love to read what you, dear readers, recommend.

Top 10 Chuck and Blair fanfiction to read

There are so many CB fics on the interner, so many good writers. I’m sure I’ll do a great injustice to many writers I won’t mention but I want to focus only on the multiple chapter fics that are not completed yet. So, here’s my top 10 (click on the name of the fic for the link):

#10 Lily’s Will by Chrys1130

It’s a good fic, the writer is talented and she created a story that leaves you wanting more with each chapter you read. I won’t talk more about it because I don’t want to spoil it for you but I recommend you to read it if you like sweet and dramatic CB.

#9 Soulless by Isabelle

Summary: “Vampires don’t get obsessed with pictures left on their graves; pictures of lovely brunettes and chubby baby boys. Vampires are soulless and evil. He didn’t know their names, but he knew they were special. She must’ve been special to him, and that thought alone haunted him. All he knew is that he wanted her for himself, even if he had to kill her to get her.”

Now, now, don’t crucify me till you read my reasons for putting Isabelle in the 9th place. I love her fics, she is very talented but I’m not into CB vampires. The story is very good but not her best. If we were talking about Castaways, Isabelle would be #1. Hope I didn’t piss off the entire fandom.

#8 Mr and Mrs Bass by Catheryne

Summary: “She promised him she would stand by him through anything. Now that he needs to change his reputation for the board, he’s coming to collect. Chuck and Blair get married to establish Chuck’s place at the helm of Bass Industries.”

This story is like CB’s own reality show. Needless to say it’s one of the best fics out there because Catheryne is involved; and you should read it, it has it all: love, drama, angst, sex, passion, babies, friendship, etc. It’s long but it’s worth it.

#7 Lightness and Weight by Nyx Underwood

It’s the sequel to “The Unbearable Lightness of Being Chuck and Blair” and if you liked that story, you will like this one too. It’s drama oriented and damn, that girl knows how to write, knows how to make the reader suffer with/for the characters. lol

#6 The Libertine by Zara123

Summary: “When they were thirteen, everything changed. She was Lady Blair Waldorf: pristine, regal, perfect. Meanwhile, Chuck had become something of a…libertine”

I’m in love with this story. Mainly because it reminds me of old (season 1) CB and because it’s a historical fic. I LOVE historical fics. And the author deserves more love that she’s getting. Just read it and let me know if you agree.

#5 One Night in Palace by Kensley-Jackson

Summary: “Smutty AU story revolving around Chuck, Blair and Serena–though CB is the focus. Rated M for obvious reasons! “Well I guess that depends on your definition of a freak” he smirked, leaning in much closer than Blair would have liked.”

I do love smutty. 😀 And Kensley knows smutty but she also knows to write a good story, not just sexy CB scenes. If you like this kind of fics, read it, you’ll love it.

#4 The Rose’s Ruse by lokiyan

Summary: “Lord Harold Waldorf had fallen out of favor and now his daughter is the property of Captain Chuck Bass. She’s not going to take this sitting down…”

Even if the author says she knows nothing about history, she is doing a great job writing this fic. Again an angsty fic that will remind you of old/better CB.

#3 La Belle et La Bête by SimplyShelbySJL

Summary: “Lady Blair Waldorf has been wed to Lord Charles Bass. She knows little of him since he has been kept in his castle by his father practically all his life. Others tell her he is an awful man. Then how has she fallen in love with him?”

Historical again. Sorry, but this is what I like most. Maybe my friends will have better choices than me.

SimplyShelbySJL is a great author, I love her fics and this is my all time fav. Even if you don’t like this genre, you will find this story so entertaining you’ll beg for more. lol

#2 Storybook Endings by honeychuckles

Summary: “This story is heavily influenced by Fushigi Yūgi: Mysterious Play, and also bears references to locations and characteristics from a wide range of other fandoms including The Vision of Escaflowne, Final Fantasy IX & XII, and even Heroes.

Blair Waldorf never believed in fairy-tales. However, weeks after her best friend left for boarding school, Blair finds herself enthralled by the pages of an old book, and is thrown in the midst of a strange new world, at the center of a war, and in between a prince and a knight.”

If you have never read this story, READ IT RIGHT NOW! There isn’t a fic more original than this out there. It’s completely AU (well, not completely but you know what I mean. right?). The story takes you to a magnificent place where the author had re-invented CB and she will make you fall in love with them all over again. The only reason this story is not my #1, is that the author will publish the last chapter soon and I don’t want to tease you with this fic if it will be over soon. You’ll have nothing to do this summer and this post is about things we can do during the summer, right?

#1 The Dark Prince of Manhattan by Catheryne

Summary: “Their lives were a real world fairy tale. The Dark Prince was a monster to be feared. The White Knight was an ideal. And she was a sleeping princess.”

Historical…again. Surprised? lol But c’mon, it’s Catheryne. Need I say more? She is the best CB fic writer. I don’t think I have to convince you to read the story (if you haven’t already).

If you are a fic freak, check out our girls’ fics too, you’ll love them. I didn’t include their fics on my list  because I don’t want to be accused of doing a shitty job and promoting my friends. So, consider this links like a bonus FF recommendation: Uninspired Fanfiction Writer’s FF page – HERE and BASSismyreligion’s FF page – HERE

Top 10 Books to read

Taking in consideration that you might also like to read books, not only CB fics, I put up a top10 book list. I love to read, it’s my passion. I read so many books in my life, good and bad, and it has been so hard to make this list. I didn’t do it using the best books ever written but books that might entertain you during the summer. I also tried to choose at least one book from every genre I like so I would please every taste you might have regarding literature. So, here it is (because I’m lazy, I’m gonna take the summaries from Wikipedia but I can assure you I’ve read the books):

#10 Umberto Eco – The Name Of The Rose

Summary: “Franciscan friar William of Baskerville and his novice Adso of Melk travel to a Benedictine monastery in Northern Italy to attend a theological disputation. As they arrive, the monastery is disturbed by a murder. As the plot unfolds, several other people mysteriously die. The protagonists explore a labyrinthine medieval library, the subversive power of laughter, and come face to face with the Inquisition. It is left primarily to William’s enormous powers of logic and deduction to solve the mysteries of the abbey.”

I think I was 16 when I read this book and I’d read it again if I had the time. It’s beautifully written and it’s not just a mystery novel. It’s has a deep Semiotics context and if you liked The Davinci Code you might like this book too even if I consider it to be 10 times better than Dan Brown’s book. Don’t get me wrong, The Name of the Rose does not question religion in the way The Davinci Code does, the meaning of the symbols found in the book are related to the murder mystery and the historical context of the time. I can’t talk too much about it without giving any spoilers, so read it if you have time. If you like it, I also recommend the movie, it’s almost as good as the book.

#9 Giovanni Boccaccio – The Decameron

Summary: “The Decameron is structured in a frame narrative, or frame tale. The Decameron played a part in the history of the novel and was finished by Giovanni Boccaccio in 1351. This work opens with a description of the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) and leads into an introduction of a group of seven young women and three young men who fled from Plague ridden Florence for a villa outside of the city walls. To pass the time, each member of the party tells one story for every one of the ten nights spent at the villa. The Decameron is a distinctive work, in that it describes in detail the physical, psychological and social effects that the Bubonic Plague had on that part of Europe. It is also interesting to note that a number of the stories contained within the Decameron would later appear in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. However, it is unclear as to whether or not Chaucer had known of the Decameron.”

This book is a masterpiece of literature and the only reason I put it in the 9th place is because it contains some R rated material. But don’t think it’s a porn-book (lol) because it’s not. Some say this book is better than Shakespeare’s works and I have to agree but that doesn’t mean you’ll like it. You have to be a literature fan to fully understand it’s historical meaning.

#8 Christopher Moore – Bite Me

Summary: “Following immediately after You Suck, Bite Me follows Abby Normal as a wave of vampirism strikes San Francisco and she tries to protect her friends, including Jody and Tommy, from the investigations of the police and the vengeance of the vampire who originally turned Jody.”

This is such a fun little book. When I found out it’s about vampire cats I laughed my @$$ off and when a friend of mine gave me the audiobook, I listened to it because I was curious. I was surprised to see it’s very funny and entertaining. I didn’t have the chance to listen to/read the other ones but I will, I’m sure they will be as fun as this one.

#7 William Faulkner – Sanctuary

Summary: “In May 1929, a lawyer named Horace Benbow, frustrated with his life, his spouse, and his stepdaughter, suddenly leaves his home in Kinston, Mississippi, and sets out to hitchhike his way back to Jefferson, his hometown in Yoknapatawpha County, where his widowed sister Narcissa lives with her son and her late husband’s great-aunt (Miss Jenny). On the way to Jefferson, he stops for a drink of water near the “Old Frenchman” homestead, which is occupied by the bootlegger Lee Goodwin. Benbow encounters a sinister man called Popeye, an associate of Goodwin’s, who brings him back to the Goodwin place, where he meets Goodwin, his common-law wife Ruby, and some other members of Goodwin’s bootlegging operation. Later that night, Benbow catches a ride from Goodwin’s place into Jefferson. He explains to his sister and Miss Jenny that he has left his wife, and then he moves back into his parents’ house, which has been sitting vacant for years.”

I consider Faulkner the greatest American writer and this is his best seller, not his best work. I think it’s his best selling novel (and only best seller) because of the controversial plot. It’s about the raping of a young girl and about the decay of the South, if you will. Faulkner’s works are hard to read because you will never know what the real meaning behind his words is. I had to have the Cliff Notes in the other hand while I was reading his novels. And the themes of his novels might not please most people. Don’t read his novels just because Oprah tells you to (Oprah has mentioned Faulker’s books in many occasions when talking about her Book Club), I read most of his work during college, not because of her; and I loved it. If you are easily offended or a puritan, stay away from this author, it’s not for you.

#6 Anne Rice – The Vampire Chronicles

Summary: “TVC is a series of novels by Anne Rice that revolves around the fictional character Lestat de Lioncourt, a French nobleman made into a vampire in the 18th century.

Most of the books are in first-person perspective with only a few being in third-person. Interview With the Vampire was made into a 1994 film starring Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, Christian Slater and Kirsten Dunst. Portions of The Vampire Lestat and Queen of The Damned both were used for the 2002 film Queen of the Damned, starring Stuart Townsend and Aaliyah.”

This series is awesome. I’m an anti-Twilight fanatic (please don’t be offended, we can’t all like the same things). So, if you like badass non-sparkling vampires, read it.

#5 George Eliot  – The Mill on the floss

Summary: “The novel details the lives of Tom and Maggie Tulliver, a brother and sister growing up on the River Floss near the village of St. Ogg’s in the United Kingdom, evidently in the 1820s after the Napoleonic Wars but before the Reform Act of 1832. Both the river and the village are fictional.

The novel spans a period of 10 to 15 years, from Tom’s and Maggie’s childhood up until their deaths in a flood on the Floss. The book is fictional autobiography in part, reflecting the disgrace that George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) herself had while in a lengthy relationship with a married man, George Henry Lewes.”

The Mill on the Floss is funny, moving and philosophical. It’s a beautiful book that will “stay” with you forever. Give it a chance, even if you don’t like “old” novels, because love is neverending.

#4 Louisa May Alcott – Little Women

Summary: “ Little Women (or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy) is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott. Alcott’s original work explores the overcoming of character flaws. Many of the chapter titles in this first part are allusions to the allegorical concepts and places in Pilgrim’s Progress. When young, the girls played Pilgrim’s Progress by taking an imaginary journey through their home. As young women, they agree to continue the figurative journey, using the “guidebooks” — copies of the New Testament, described as “that beautiful old story of the best life ever lived”; they receive on Christmas morning. Each of the March girls must struggle to overcome a character flaw: Meg, vanity; Jo, a hot temper; Beth, shyness; and Amy, selfishness.

In the course of the novel, the girls become friends with their next-door neighbor, the teenage boy Laurie. The book depicts the light hearted, often humorous activities of the sisters and their friend, such as creating a newspaper and picnicking, and the various “scrapes” that Jo and Laurie get into. Jo consistently struggles with the boundaries 19th century society placed on females, including not being able to fight in a war, not being able to attend college, and being pressured by her Aunt March to find a suitable husband to take care of her.”

I first saw Little Women the movie, when I was 12 …I think. I was such a Winona Ryder fan, still am. And I remember asking my parents to buy the book for me. And they did. It was so much better than the movie and it still is one of my fav books of all time. Jo is the anti-image of the woman of the time, if I can call her that. She struggles with people’s mentality and perception of the woman in those times. Even if the subject might seem to have lost it’s value in time, it hasn’t. We can all learn to be our own person, and not to be influenced by what others whant us to be, or expect us to be.

#3 Edith Wharton  – The Age of Innocence

Summary: “The Age of Innocence centers on an upper class couple’s impending marriage, and the introduction of a woman plagued by scandal whose presence threatens their happiness. Though the novel questions the assumptions and morals of 1870s’ New York society, it never devolves into an outright condemnation of the institution. Newland Archer, gentleman lawyer and heir to one of New York City’s best families, is happily anticipating a highly desirable marriage to the sheltered and beautiful May Welland. Yet he finds reason to doubt his choice of bride after the appearance of Countess Ellen Olenska, May’s exotic, beautiful thirty-year-old cousin, who has been living in Europe. Ellen has returned to New York after scandalously separating herself (per rumor) from a bad marriage to a Polish Count. At first, Ellen’s arrival and its potential taint to his bride’s family disturbs him, but he becomes intrigued by the worldly Ellen who flouts New York society’s fastidious rules. As Newland’s admiration for the countess grows, so does his doubt about marrying May, a perfect product of Old New York society; his match with May no longer seems the ideal fate he had imagined.”

I didn’t put this book is the 3rd place because it was mentioned in GG. lol You already know I LOVE historical reading material. It’s a classic story of love, betrayal, morality (or lack of), it’s funny (dark-funny), intelligent and more entertaining than one might think. Read it, Blair loved it too. Even Nate. lol

#2 Anna Godbersen – Luxe Series

Summary: “Elizabeth Holland, the main character, is first introduced in the midst of a Manhattan ballroom scene. Her sister Diana, also at the party, is seen kissing an older gentleman. Soon, the engagement of Elizabeth Holland and Henry Schoonmaker, arranged by Schoonmaker’s wealthy father William, occupies high society as the cast of characters variously anticipate and dread the marriage. Elizabeth must apologize to her friend, Penelope, whose lover she is engaged to marry before going about with preparations for the highly anticipated wedding. Henry, meanwhile, feels reluctant to betray Penelope. When Henry fails to escort Elizabeth to a ball, his father decides to move up the wedding date to add pressure. Later that night, Penelope visits the engaged Henry at home, in hopes of seducing him. She has no success.”

Uninspired Fanfiction Writer told me about this book and once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. It’s like a historical GG. Even the quotes from the local paper seem to be written my our own GG. The book had everything GG has, minus the BAD writing. It even has it’s own version of CB. The only bad thing about it it’s that the series has only 4 books. 😦

#1John Berendt – Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Summary: “The action that serves as a catalyst in the book is the killing of Danny Hansford, a local male prostitute (characterized as “a good time not yet had by all” by respected antique dealer Jim Williams). Four murder trials resulted, with the final one ending in acquittal after the judge finally agreed to move the case away from the Savannah jury pool. The book characterizes the killing as the result of a lover’s quarrel, not a pre-meditated murder. The death took place in Williams’ home, originally built by an ancestor of songwriter and Savannah native Johnny Mercer.”

This book deserves the 1st place. It’s rough and, again, might not be for everyone. But Berendt knows how to keep the reader interested. The book doesn’t have that “old” sense to it that might keep some readers away and the subject is controversial, not only because it’s about a murder but also because of the victim of this murder. Savannah is a great setting for this book and the author knew how to blend the story and the place together so the result would be brilliant.

Oh may, this post is very long so I just gonna publish it (I’m so nervous about it, I hope you find it entertaining). Stay tuned for part 2, movies and TV shows.

About Je t'adore

I'm Cath but you can call me C. I graduated from University a few years ago and I have a degree in English and French lit. I write but I don't consider myself a writer, I've yet to let go of all my inhibitions and explore human nature. Maybe one day, when I'm grown up enough. CBthePP is a safe haven for me and one of the things I'm most proud of because it has given me so much and because I get to share it with so many wonderful people, including our readers.

11 thoughts on “Long hot summer, no Gossip Girl Part 1 – Je t’adore Edition

  1. Maedy says:

    thabk you for sharing the fics and the books !
    the truth is isabelle’s soulles is not as good as before.
    the little princess is epic. and butterfly effect. i cried while i was reading it. she is truly a good writer..
    meanwhile about catheryne.. not all of the cath’s work i like because sometime she really wrote some dark stuff with no quite happy ending for me.. and it left me messed up. lol. but anyway some of her fic is epic too.

    and about the others.. thanks for recommend it to me ! def i’m gonna read it. =D
    i love AU fiction.

    can i recommend some of my favourite?


    ( this is chuck/blair/carter) simply i love it because two of my fav character in GG fight for blair. and also the story is quite good too.

    now this is must read.

    very good fic. too bad the authour didn’t update it anymore.

    • Je t'adore says:

      Yes, I agree about Catheryne, she likes to write angsty CB and sometimes it’s too much to handle. lol But she is very talented.

      Thank for the recommendations. I read “CB to do list” (it’s awesome) but I didn’t know “So Damn Beautiful”. I’ll check it out.

  2. ronan03 says:

    oh,thank you so much for providing such a good list of different ff and books. thank you especially for providing the links,so lazy me doesn’t have to find them!! thank you-there were several that i hadn’t read.

  3. I’ve read a lot of the ffs as well as the books.
    They’re surely the best in the chair world.
    Too bad some authors aren’t updating anymore…

  4. kjewls says:

    Excellent post! Thanks so much for the fan fiction listing. There is so much bad fan fiction out there, that it’s nice to have an expert like you sorting out the good stuff for us, so that we don’t waste our time.

    I also loved your book list! I too loved Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Berendt is so adept at character development, and plotting, that it’s hard to believe this is non-fiction. The book READS like a mystery thriller novel! Have you ever seen the movie based on this book? It’s not as good as the book of course, but it stars John Cusack and Kevin Spacey, so there is definitely some top notch acting on display.

    I’m so glad to see that I am not the only Faulkner fan in the popular culture blogosphere. When I was in high school, I actually did my senior thesis on his works, and my friends thought I was nuts for choosing such an inaccessible topic. I think my favorite work of his was “As I Lay Dying.” But I also liked some of his short stories, like “Barn Burner.” At least in his shorter works, Faulker has the rare ability to use symbolism without being too wordy, or knocking the reader over the head with his intended meaning.

    This was a great post idea. The summer will certainly be long and lonely without GG, but with your help, we will find ways to fill that void.

    • Je t'adore says:

      BB, you are always so sweet. But I’m not an expert in FF and neither in literature.

      I must admit Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil it’s the only Berendt book I’ve read and I can’t talk about his style based only on one novel. But I agree, he has an unique writing style that makes this novel entertaining and accessible even if it has a controversial plot. Haven’t seen the movie but I will now that you told me it’s good.

      You love Faulkner too? Give me a hug cause I love you right now. And you did your thesis about Faulkner? Weird…. I did my college thesis on him. And my friends said I was crazy. I can’t believe it happened to you too. My fav Faulkner novel is “The Sound and the Fury” but “As I Lay Dying” is my second fav. I like that he’s subtle when it comes to symbolism in his books, you have to work to reach the meaning. I think everyone should read at least one of his novels at some point in his/her life, you see the world in another light afterwards.

      You know what? We should totally start an online book club, I could talk about literature all day long. lol

  5. Just so you know after going through my million of books that I plan on reading this summer. I’m gonna go back and start on your list that is assuming that I have the thing called time. lol there was more but im running a tad late this morning.

  6. Wow. 🙂 First time I read this post and my heart warmed because I see you’ve selected a couple of my stories.

    Although it does seem that a couple of your readers think my angst is too much lol.

    Thank you for recommending my stories. Reader appreciation is really the only thing a fanfic writer receives for the effort, so thank you!!

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